Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


"The Wonderful Archipelago"

Segera daftarkan diri kamu untuk menjadi Duta Remaja dan Olahraga tingkat Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan tahun 2013.

One click is enough! Fill the form here:

Periode Pendaftaran Online : 18 Maret 2013 - 19 April 2013
Audisi : 20 April 2013, Gelanggang Remaja Bulungan Jakarta Selatan

Contact Person :
Rio +62811 1041 885
Beby +62856 1953 711

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Salam Hangat,

Alumni Remaja CERIA Jakarta Selatan

Paling Terdepan, Paling Berkesan!

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Pemilihan Remaja Ceria Jakarta Selatan 2013 - Nusantara 2

Teaser and Demo from Us!

We present our next Audition Remaja Ceria of South Jakarta 2013

We make all of you stand up from your seat. We make all of you wake up from your own dreams. Make your dreams come true starting from this year Audition. Join to be the newest member of our family. Be the next Youth and Sport Ambassador of South Jakarta 2013. We make you from zero to be something important and we make you know your own self. So you can fight someday for your own life and for this country! You have talents! You have knowledge! You have to improve everything from your own self for many people, especially in South Jakarta. We always waiting for all of you to join us! We do fair to everyone, we accept you always as family. But don't forget to show your best at the Audition!

contact, add, follow us to know more information :

Our Best Regards,
Remaja Ceria Jakarta Selatan
Paling Terdepan... Paling Berkesan...

About Us

Foto saya
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia